This is the page where you can find anything you may need to look at the sky, from star charts, to a guide on how to collimate a newtonian telescope. We will try to offer the easiest and most practical information, and we are working hard to find the best links, videos and articles.
Our Small Astronomy Calendar for Amateur Astronomers 2019 is available for download now. Just click the link or use the option “save as” to download a copy. Feel free to share it:
Small Astronomy Calendar for Amateur Astronomers 2019
Sky & Telescope FREE Let’s Go Stargazing guide (pdf)
The Sourcebook for Teaching Science – Strategies, Activities, and Instructional Resources (astronomy resources on line): A page full of important links which provide new and experienced teachers with a wealth of teaching strategies, resources, lessons, activities, and ideas to enhance the teaching and learning of physics, chemistry, biology, and the earth and space sciences. It’s designed to complement any secondary school science curriculum.
Astronomy & Astrophysics Classroom Resources from the National Science Foundation (NSF)
NASA Imagine the Universe! (6 Lessons)
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) K-12 Online Astronomy Activities
Star Atlas:
The Mag-7 Star Atlas Project: This project is an attempt to produce a free, downloadable set of high-quality star charts, capable of being printed at reasonable resolutions in the average home printer.
Deep-Sky Hunter Star Atlas: Is a printable deep sky atlas designed for serious deep sky observers. It features stars down to magnitude 10.2 and DSO down to magnitude 14 plotted on 101 A3 charts which cover the entire sky. The atlas also features 21 supplemental “zoom” charts of galaxy clusters and densely populated areas, and indications of over 500 “best” objects.
The Triatlas app: (for IOS devices) contains the most detailed, speedy star chart available for smartphones and tablets, stars up to mag 12.6, galaxies up to mag 15.5 (PGC), 37000 in total. Plus 1200 planetary nebulae.
Polar alignment:
Telescope align:
How to Align Your Newtonian Reflector Telescope | A Beginner’s Guide to Collimation |
Telescope Collimation for Complete Beginners | |
Astronomical Catalogs:
Astronomical Catalogs: A guide to know all of them | Astronomical Catalogue Designations |
Data and Software Archives & Catalogs | Tools Reference Data System |